
Neil "Taxman" Baxter


Numbers are kinda his thing as both taxman and drummer.

Neil playing drums, looking to be caught up in the music.

In this instance “Taxman” is not in the pejorative

By day, Neil delves into the world of numbers and spreadsheets, navigating the intricate landscape of taxes with the finesse of a seasoned accountant. But when the evening calls, he swaps his calculator for drumsticks and steps into the limelight as a rhythmic powerhouse. With thunderous beats and lightning-fast fills, Neil commands the stage with the precision and passion of a true virtuoso. Whether driving the groove with his drum kit or adding flair to the rhythm section, Neil’s percussive prowess knows no bounds. From balancing books to rocking stages, this accountant by day, drummer by night, proves that numbers and beats can harmonize in perfect synergy.